Event playbook

Creative Ways to Promote Your Event Using Video Marketing

The 8 minute read that will leave you with a mind packed full of new creative video marketing ideas.

Lauren Robinson

With recent announcements by the likes of Meta, video marketing is no doubt on the rise. With the prediction that 82% of traffic will be video traffic by the end of 2022 you would be crazy not to begin to think of ways that you can integrate the use of video as part of your events. Video is essential to the success of an event since it engages the audience emotionally. It has the power to arouse interest, promote participation, and capture the very essence of the event you worked so hard to achieve.

🤓 What is video marketing?

In order to sell or promote your brand or service on digital media, all marketeers should be beginning to employ video marketing techniques. To put it simply, using video marketing is when companies use video to promote a company, product, or an event, to inform and engage with potential and loyal customers.

💰 Cost of video marketing at events

Whilst the idea of video marketing conjures up the thought of vast video projection screens and production costs, video marketing needn't be expensive if your company doesn't have the budget. At a very basic level, creating a short TikTok video or snapshots of the event through the camera of an iPhone can be effective ways to capture your event and highlight your business.

💪 Benefits of using video at your event

Just in case you didn't get the message that we love video content, let's take a quick look at how you can use it before, during and after an event.

Creative video content can be used in the weeks before the event to build anticipation by incorporating video into the initial communication strategy. This could take the shape of brief animated teasers on the subjects discussed, speaker interviews, or highlight reels from prior events. All of these will enhance attendees' event experiences and keep them anticipating the live event. A better awareness of your event and eventually increased involvement will result from using video content to help market and promote the event.

Overall, video enriches the event experience, extends its impact, and contributes to a dynamic and memorable event.

During your event, video can be used to engage your audience to a deeper level. The use of creative video draws attendees in and gives them the opportunity to experience the event. For event organisers it can also be a strategy to lighten the load during an event by having the ability to keep attendees engaged at the click of a button.

After the event, it’s easy to keep engagement levels high by using either video created at the event (I mean, no one can resist having a sneaky watch to see if they feature in the event video) or by repurposing content used for the event itself so attendees can refresh themselves on information from the day.

💡 Creative video marketing ideas for your event

So now you know WHY you need to be using video as part of your event. Let's get stuck into our favourite part! HOW to use creative video as part of your event to make it a blinding success and rock the socks off your attendees. Here goes.

Event promo video

If you want to generate interest in an upcoming event, event promotional videos are a necessity. These videos, which are typically 2-3 minutes long, encourage viewers to come to your event so they won't miss out. This is the part where you get to put your marketing hat on and get really creative.

Videos on your event website

Your event homepage needs to be completely engaging and get attendees ready for what to expect at the event. And using video on the event homepage is the perfect way to do this. Eventee helps you make the most of this as part of the free homepage that's created for the event. As part of the introduction page you have the opportunity to seamlessly slide in a video showcasing a snapshot of what's on offer to guests.

Plan a video competition

Doesn’t everyone love a competition? With everyone having access to video and basic video editing software on their cell phones, there are SO many ways to integrate video into competitions. Throw in a few industry related hashtags and you have some highly engaging viral content and excited attendees.

An image from a Facebook post by WebExpo dated June 19, 2019. The post announces support for the second consecutive year for the 'What's your Story' contest (highlighted with the term 'Online světem bezpečně'), aimed at promoting a safer Internet world for young people. It calls on students aged 15 to 23 to creatively share their thoughts on the pros and cons of the virtual world. The image features a vibrant, cinema-themed graphic with the text 'DO YOU LIKE MAKING VIDEOS? IF SO, ENTER OUR CONTEST!' surrounded by film and video-making icons like a film reel, clapperboard, video camera, and 3D glasses, against a backdrop of a red curtain and a white surface.
Webexpo sharing competition for students

Video for social media

Use video as part of your social media presence surrounding the event. All the facts point to video ensuring that social media users stop their scroll. Whether you are talking paid ads or organic reach. The good news is that on social media, anything goes, from shorter 30 second teasers right through to longer form content.

Viral content

If you’ve been privileged enough to see inside the Eventee office’s Slack channel, you will know that we absolutely love a good old GIF. Gifs, Tik Toks, Reels, you name it, there is a way to break down video captured at the event and create the holy grail of video marketing - a viral video. While your short form event video may not quite go viral, short form videos like these gather plenty of engagement either in real time or after the event.

Throwback video to promote an upcoming event

By recording your event, it gives organisers the opportunity to use this material for future events. Showcase your past event and get guests excited for the up and coming event!

Use videos in email marketing

We have already talked about how much more engaging video content is for customers. So as part of your event and wider video creation plan, think about how you can incorporate the use of creative video into your email marketing campaign. By just including the word ‘video’ in the subject line, studies have shown the open rates of emails increase significantly.

Use personalisation

Get personal with your attendees. By working with some forward thinking businesses (Motionlab is a favourite of ours) you can use video content before and during your event to personalise your content. Creating tailored videos that convert and speak directly to your customer will always be a winner.

Instructional videos

To make your event run as smoothly as possible, it's important to have support in all the right places. By taking the time to create instructional videos, you can help ensure your event runs with ease. Perhaps create a video explaining how visitors register or log in to the event. You can check out other ways your event can run seamlessly HERE.

Video tour of venue

3D video paths showing attendees the venue beforehand can be useful for delegates and event staff alike. A virtual tour of the space beforehand is an often overlooked way video can enhance user experience.

Record speaker intros

Recorded speaker introductions are a brilliant way of streamlining the process of getting a speaker up on stage. Speaker intros can easily be recorded ahead of time and either played just before the speaker arrives on stage or filtered out to attendees before the event. So everyone is up to date and ready to get the most from the speakers.

Record attendee testimonials and gain credibility

It’s all about social proof, and video is the perfect way to capture the essence of what you do. There are so many ways to capture these types of testimonials from more formal interviews to simple informal chats. But one thing is certain, gaining these types of testimonials at your event is an opportunity not to be missed.

Show company culture

There is no better way to show off your company culture than by quick interviews with staff. As a way to showcase this kind of content, events run in Eventee are accessible to attendees for 12 months after the event so event content is extended.

As part of virtual events

Video content is essential in virtual meetings because there is no face-to-face interaction. Video is a requirement for each virtual event due to its ability to captivate, thrill, and emotionally connect viewers. The Eventee app has been designed to help with not only in person but virtual events too.  It is able to assist organisers with a place to showcase their video creations through the app.

Live event video production

For *some reason* since 2020, we have all become comfortable with the word ‘hybrid’. This is just one of the ways where Eventee’s integrations take care of it all. The SlidesLive integration helps multiply your reach by taking care of professionally streaming the event for you from start to finish.

Event opening video

Nothing welcomes attendees and gives them a feel for proceedings than a kick ass opening video. An opening video should use your brand's voice to evoke all the excitement and energy that the team have poured into the event. It is also perfect to inspire attendees to be ready for what lies ahead.

An opening video should aim to get your audience up on their feet and ready for action. Just like a Jerry springer taping, but without the fighting.

Record Q&A with speakers

Get the most out of speakers by recording Q and A sessions. These types of sessions can be extremely valuable to attendees and once again are great video content to be repurposed.

Relax zone with silent cinema

From an entertainment point of view, an increasingly popular idea is to create a ‘relax zone’ within the event space. This is where cinema style projections could be used to help attendees take some time out. Once again this is an opportunity to showcase your company culture as well as be able to choose some great video projections for the area.

Introducing a 'Relax Zone' with silent cinema at an event can significantly enhance the attendee experience.

Recycle event content

Are you even a marketer if you don't repurpose your content? Video content is no different and with a tiny bit of know-how, live streams, interviews and Key notes can be chopped down and repurposed to create some great snippets for all areas of business.

Thank you video

As a way of showing your thanks to attendees, you can create a video for the end of the event. This could either be prerecorded or could use footage taken from the event that is circulated to attendees. This is a great way of giving attendees and organisers alike a better understanding of how the event goals were met. It can also be included as part of any wash up sessions as an easy discussion point.

✍️ Wrapping things up

Using aspects of video as part of your event is something that all businesses need to take on board. Moreover, if they want their event to come across as creative, forward thinking and engaging. There are so many ways in which incorporating video into your event can be done easily and with great results. We have just skimmed the surface here!

We would love to hear about the other ways you have integrated creative video into your event, and how you used the ideas written about in this article to create inspiring events.

Lauren Robinson
I am an experienced tech writer with a passion for staying up to date with the latest developments in the field. In addition to my work as a writer, I love seeking out new and emerging technologies to learn about, I'm also an avid skier and enjoy spending time on the slopes with my family.
Lauren Robinson
Lauren Robinson

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