Event manager blog that sparks inspiration for your events

Discover new ideas for event planning and audience interaction to ensure the best event experiences.

Great News You Cannot Miss - Workshops on Board!
Eventee introduces 5 great upgrades and a brand new feature! Welcome workshops on board!
CASE STUDY: BarCamp Brno 2019 goes paperless with Eventee
1800 attendees gathered at BarCamp Brno 2019 conference to attend lectures about business, marketing and innovations. Read their success story!
CASE STUDY: How WebExpo 2019 connected attendees and reached over 75% user base
WebExpo is central Europe's largest conference covering deep tech & practical topics for developers, designers, product managers, and marketers. They used Eventee for the third time. Read a success story about what they achieved!
Great Eventee News You Should Not Miss!
This Eventee news will definitely make your day better! A brand new payment process, enhanced projector mode and more!
CASE STUDY: How SaaS Movement 2019 engaged attendees with Eventee
SaaS Movement 2019 is the biggest SaaS event in central Europe. Read a story about what the organizers achieved with Eventee!
Introducing Fresh News from Eventee World!
Read about awesome news from Eventee! Updates in Networking, possibility to adjust schedule scale, deeper statistics and many more!
Release of a Brand New Feature - Live Polls on Board!
Summer can't stop us! Read about great improvements in web administration and mobile app, but most importantly about the release of a brand new feature - Live polls!
Build a Strong Event Brand - Interview with the event director Šárka Štrossová
What are the necessary skills for being an Event Director? What are the things that make an event successful? And how does the typical day of Event Director look like? Read an interview with Šárka Štrossová, an Event Director of WebExpo, and find out!
Meet New Buddies - Eventee with Eventbrite!
Read about integration with the world's leading ticketing platform and deliver an awesome experience to all of your attendees!
How to Host a Successful Virtual Event [ultimate guide]
Everything you need to host a great virtual event neatly wrapped into one guide. You’ll learn how to effortlessly improve audio & video quality, what needs to be planned ahead and why there’s no other way to host a professional virtual event than with an event app.
Event Industry 2021 and Beyond: How Events Shifted During Pandemic and What the Future Holds
A summary of the report Event Industry 2021 and Beyond. We surveyed 181 event managers from all over the world and learned how they are dealing with the current pandemic times.
14+ Tools to Improve Virtual Events Hosted on Zoom
Zoom is one of the most popular tools for virtual events and online meetings. Let's take a look at the tools that can make organizing your Zoom events much easier, and at the same time, help you enhance the attendee experience.
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