Event playbook

The 7 Best Event Planning Tips From Real Experts [2025]

Successful event planning takes time and effort. But it's not impossible. Explore useful event planning tips to achieve event success and get your event to the next level.

Lauren Robinson

UPDATED 01/01/2025

If you ever wondered what makes an event successful, you're in the right place. Successful event planning is often about looking back and finding inspiration for the next event. There's always room for improvement

No matter how prosperous you might think your last event was, a good host will be able to look at the shortcomings (that only you will have noticed) and want to make sure to improve your performance next time.

That’s why we’ve created a guide on how to achieve event success. Discover the top 7 event planning tips that we’ve compiled from real event professionals to successfully execute the big day.

1. Stay organised

Being organized is the foundation of successful event planning. You can start by creating a detailed checklist and timeline to track every task, from venue booking to post-event follow-ups. Or you can download a free checklist for event planners and tick all the boxes as you go. 

But don’t just take my word for it!

Never forget to have a minute-by-minute script of what will happen at the event. Don’t overlook small details like when the team will have time to eat. It’s important. – Aneta Martinek, CEO and co-founder of #HolkyzMarketingu

These days, staying organized is almost impossible without technology. Luckily, there are tools designed to make your work stress-free and your events seamless. Think of your event as a project. It requires careful project management to stay on track.

Some popular project management tools are, for example Trello, Asana, Basecamp, or Miro. What app you choose depends on your specific needs. For example, at Eventee, we use Trello. It’s a fantastic, easy-to-use tool that’s visually appealing and, best of all, free! 

Trello is very easy to use and visually oriented. Each task can be assigned to a specific person or can be labelled with colourful tags named by your choice. Aesthetically pleasing and organised in one package – I’m sold!

Effectively incorporating technology into your event planning is what makes an event successful.

For larger teams with more complex projects, Asana might be the better fit. It allows users to track progress with various project views, set milestones, and manage intricate campaigns. Like Trello, it also offers a free version with basic features.

Miro focuses on visualizing ideas into mind maps or flowcharts. It’s perfect for planning out creative concepts or mapping out workflows during the brainstorming process. Have a look at this article where I go into much more detail about these apps. 

Making smart use of technology will streamline your successful event planning no end. You can even utilise new technology systems to improve communication between fellow team members. Centralising your discussions over a Slack channel or Discord helps to keep everything in one place and keep those involved in the organisation up to speed on any changes.

2. Drive engagement with mobile event apps

Attendee engagement rates are pivotal to the event success. Choosing a suitable mobile event app like Eventee is proven to improve attendee engagement at the event with a whole host of features attendees can get involved in. With a simple download on your guests’ devices, you will have your attendee’s attention from the get-go, even in the lead up to the event. 

91% of event organizers consider event apps crucial to the success of their events. With an event app that offers multiple engagement features, you can tailor it to the specific needs of your event.

Mobile event app like Eventee offers:

  • Valuable networking opportunities that help attendees create meaningful business relationships. 
  • Q&A that allows shy guests to ask burning questions as they crop up. 
  • Live polls and feedback feature so that you can gain insight from your attendees in real time.
  • Push notifications that give timing updates to your guests, to make sure they don’t miss key moments throughout the event.
  • Social wall that allows your attendees to share posts in the app itself, as well as allowing them to interact with the posts of their fellow attendees. You can even moderate the posts so that you can ensure that only appropriate posts are being published giving you complete control over the posts.
  • Competitive gamification that encourages attendees to explore the event more, connect with others, and stay actively involved throughout the event.
  • With an event app like Eventee, you can also create beautiful event schedule and share it with attendees in minutes.
Easy and usable tools are almost as important as content/speaker is to an event organizer. Choose yours carefully. Never think you are already doing all you can to grant your event a full success. Always keep your eyes open and have a humble approach. Somewhere out there is a new idea you can use to keep your event a step forward from your competitors. The most difficult part of your job is to find it before anyone else in your industry. – Gianpaolo Lorusso, the creator of the event ADworld Experience

3. Utilize a moderator to help the event flow

If you want your event to flow seamlessly, it’s important to instruct a moderator who will guide your audience as they work through the event agenda. Regardless of your event focus, a moderator can be a really underestimated tool that you’ll want to utilise. Having some external help means that you can focus on liaising with your guests, rather than being the one to keep things flowing as the event goes on.

Making sure you choose an appropriate moderator specifically for your event is a key decision that you’ll want to make early-on in your event planning. We’ve put together a guide on how you can choose the best event moderator depending on your event’s requirements so that you can make sure to find the right fit. 

4. Keep in control by managing incidents effectively

No matter how much forward-planning and organisation goes into an event planning, sometimes there are things that just simply go wrong. Some last-minute changes that are beyond our control. It’s almost inevitable.

Whether the change is due to a sudden adjustment in one of your speakers, maybe having to rearrange timings to accommodate an overrunning Q&A or the most common culprit – those pesky technology failures. 

Fortunately for you, we’ve created a blog that covers all those things, helps you put preventative measures in place to manage your incidents effectively, and achieve event success easily.

How you handle the incidents as they arise is going to be the real key to ensuring that your event gets back on track as quickly as possible and with little disruption to your meticulously planned itinerary.

5. Improve your event by effective promotion

Letting people know about your event is the real defining factor to its success. An event is only successful if there are ample attendees there to participate. So, choosing the right method of promotion is something you will want to consider right at the beginning.  

With so many options available in today’s modern world, between video marketing, email marketing as well as social media, you can very often get lost in the process. 

One of the first things you’ll want to consider is your target demographic – who are they and where is their focus going to be? That’s how you decide which marketing tools you’re best taking advantage of in the run up to the event.

One thing that is becoming increasingly popular is the use of influencers promoting the event. Choosing the right figurehead to plug your event can increase attendance rate dramatically. Opt for a well-known, trusted influencer and you’re on to a firm winner.

6. Research early on to improve the event program

Creating an enticing and engaging event program can often be the tricky part of your event planning. Although you know what you personally, as a brand, would like to experience at the event, what your audience is looking for could be completely different.

It’s important, therefore, to carry out thorough research in the early stages of your event planning to find out more about your target demographic and the kind of experience that has gone down well in the past. Whether you carry out a survey, research feedback from similar, past events or even go from your own experience - just make sure to add a research phase at the beginning so that you can ensure to secure the necessary components well in advance.

When considering the components you want to incorporate, you want to be sourcing interesting speakers to capture your audience’s attention. This not only builds FOMO and increases attendance but also keeps them engaged during the event too.

Balance. You want to have a wide array of speakers in order to meet all attendees' interests. However, you don’t want too many, otherwise your programming will run too long and drain people’s energy and attention. – Jere Halligan, a senior director, from the American Promise

Outside of speakers, you want to offer a wide variety of sessions during the event. Including some workshops that allow your attendees to get hands-on and interact with one another. Incorporate a presentation here and there to give them a chance to sit back and absorb key information, as well as the opportunity to have open discussions with their peers and share ideas. The added variety will keep things interesting for your attendees, and it’s likely to mean that there’s something on offer for everyone.

7. Offer more networking opportunities at your event

Last but not least, out of the event planning tips, networking might be the most vital. No matter what purpose your event is trying to achieve, networking is what makes an event successful. 

One of the main motives for attending events is networking. It proves to be one of the top drivers of attendee satisfaction. 

It will always be at the front and centre of your attendee’s mind whilst they’re there. It’s just good sense to expand your network whilst you’re in a room full of likeminded brands and businesses.

Networking is one of the most effective event planning tips.

While networking can come naturally to some, to others, not so much. But there are steps that you, as the host, can take to help your attendees settle in and come out of their shell. You need to make sure that each person can effectively network while they’re there. 

Functional networking tools in mobile event apps are great for building connections at your events.

The event app should offer matchmaking features which make it easier for attendees to connect, schedule meetings, and build meaningful relationships before, during and after the event.

Your attendees can set up profiles, engage in 1:1 chats, and exchange information at a push of a few buttons. No hassle. It can be especially beneficial for virtual events where it's even harder to make connections.

✍️ In conclusion

Behind every successful event is a new lesson. This is why it’s so important to remember to do a post-event evaluation to continuously improve on future events by measuring against the success of your previous ones – again, we’ve put together a helpful guide on just how to do that too. 

Whether this is the first time you’re hosting an event of this kind, or, if you’re an event planning expert – hopefully, you’ll have found some useful event planning tips in this guide as you work through your planning stages and make sure to incorporate Eventee’s app to streamline your event. You’ll thank us later!

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