With this version we’re bringing Live Questions. A unique feature that allows participants to ask the presenter questions in real time. With Live Questions, you increase the professionalism of your conference. You know it. 2-3 assistants running around the hall with microphones in their hands to be close to those who have question in the discussion. Never again will a person in the audience ask an inappropriate question that would embarrass the speaker as well as the audience.
The Real Value of Live Questions
Each Eventee user can ask a question. Everyone else can than vote if they like it. Only the most relevant and interesting questions will get to the speaker.

- Asking the speaker questions in real time via Eventee mobile or web app – you just need to be connected to the Internet
- Every user can vote for questions asked by other participants
- Questions are ranked according to the number of votes
- The presenter has a special version of Eventee enabling him/her to mark the question as answered or delete it for inappropriate content
- Live questions can be simultaneously displayed using an overhead projector or large screen, so everyone present can see the TOP 5 questions
With Live Questions, you will increase the involvement of your conference attendees in the actual events. You can save funds for buying another solution and unnecessary confusion when the microphone is passed. Everything works smoothly within the Eventee application.