Event manager blog that sparks inspiration for your events

Discover new ideas for event planning and audience interaction to ensure the best event experiences.

Build a Strong Event Brand - Interview with the event director Šárka Štrossová
What are the necessary skills for being an Event Director? What are the things that make an event successful? And how does the typical day of Event Director look like? Read an interview with Šárka Štrossová, an Event Director of WebExpo, and find out!
How to Create a Unique Event Concept and Successfully Manage a Global Expansion
Read through a great event experience of Louis Tanguay, Founder and Managing Director of App Growth Summit and get some inspiration!
Eventee as a Tool for Smooth Event Running
Get the inspiration from Aneta Martinek, Marketing and Event Manager of GrowJOB Institute, our long-time client, and maximize the impact of Eventee on your event!
How to Turn an Idea into a Successful Event
We had an interview with Veronika Čechová, Event Manager from the Masaryk University Career Centre, who advised what to do in order to make the idea of organizing an event come true. Whether a conference, a workshop, or a trade fair... the key is to start!
How to maximize the impact of your event?
Aneta Drábková, Director of the Critical Thinking Conference, shares how to get the most out of an event.
How to Find a Venue for an Event [Ultimate Guide]
Find your dream event space with this extensive go-to guide. I'll walk you through everything you need to know, from the vibe you're after to the practical stuff like location or amenities.
The Importance of Boosting Alumni Engagement
Alumni engagement can be quite beneficial for any educational institution. Join us as we explore strategies how to create meaningful relationships and unforgettable experiences for your alumni.
Top Tips on Going Paperless at Your Next Event
Embrace these useful tips on how to go paperless for your next event and learn to eliminate any inefficiencies along the way.
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