Blog de organización de eventos que despierta la inspiración para sus actos

Descubra nuevas ideas para la planificación de eventos y la interacción con el público para garantizar las mejores experiencias de eventos.

Master event planning: Tips for a successful conference
Struggling with venue selection or perhaps scheduling the right event program? Discover best practices for successful event planning from true event professionals.
Master event planning: Insights from a renowned professional
Discover how the Europe's largest all-PPC event, ADworld Experience, utilizes Eventee to enhance attendee engagement.
Interview With Jiri Novosad about the Czech & Slovak Virtual Golf Business Forum
Organizing the first virtual conference without previous experience. Jiri Novosad, organizator of the Czech & Slovak Virtual Golf Business Forum, shares his experience with us.
Running an event software startup during the biggest pandemic in 100 years
Get inspired by the success story of an event software startup during the pandemic of COVID-19. Read about how Eventee turned the tables when things got tough and kept the business alive.
CASE STUDY: BarCamp Brno 2019 goes paperless with Eventee
1800 attendees gathered at BarCamp Brno 2019 conference to attend lectures about business, marketing and innovations. Read their success story!
CASE STUDY: How WebExpo 2019 connected attendees and reached over 75% user base
WebExpo is central Europe's largest conference covering deep tech & practical topics for developers, designers, product managers, and marketers. They used Eventee for the third time. Read a success story about what they achieved!
CASE STUDY: How SaaS Movement 2019 engaged attendees with Eventee
SaaS Movement 2019 is the biggest SaaS event in central Europe. Read a story about what the organizers achieved with Eventee!
Build a Strong Event Brand - Interview with the event director Šárka Štrossová
What are the necessary skills for being an Event Director? What are the things that make an event successful? And how does the typical day of Event Director look like? Read an interview with Šárka Štrossová, an Event Director of WebExpo, and find out!
How to Create a Unique Event Concept and Successfully Manage a Global Expansion
Read through a great event experience of Louis Tanguay, Founder and Managing Director of App Growth Summit and get some inspiration!
How to Find a Venue for an Event [Ultimate Guide]
Find your dream event space with this extensive go-to guide. I'll walk you through everything you need to know, from the vibe you're after to the practical stuff like location or amenities.
The Importance of Boosting Alumni Engagement
Alumni engagement can be quite beneficial for any educational institution. Join us as we explore strategies how to create meaningful relationships and unforgettable experiences for your alumni.
Top Tips on Going Paperless at Your Next Event
Embrace these useful tips on how to go paperless for your next event and learn to eliminate any inefficiencies along the way.
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