Blog de organización de eventos que despierta la inspiración para sus actos

Descubra nuevas ideas para la planificación de eventos y la interacción con el público para garantizar las mejores experiencias de eventos.

Building Community Events: Strategies from #HolkyzMarketingu
The difference between a good event and a great one often lies in the details. We sat down with Aneta Martinek from #HolkyzMarketingu to uncover the secrets to a successful conference. Discover proven strategies from a real event professional.
The 26 Best Mobile Event Apps in 2025
Event apps are the future of the event industry. Make sure you're not left behind and explore the best mobile event apps to maximize your event's success.
What's new in Eventee: User management, improved Networking, and more
Introducing the latest Eventee updates and things we are excited about this month.
Master event planning: Tips for a successful conference
Struggling with venue selection or perhaps scheduling the right event program? Discover best practices for successful event planning from true event professionals.
Event planning glossary: 178+ terms every event manager should know
Learn the latest event terminology with the most comprehensive event planning glossary. Whether you're new to the industry or you're feeling a bit rusty, this guide will help you achieve success.
Introducing Eventee 3.0: Engage your audience like never before
Read about the major release of the Eventee app - A whole new engagement screen, event gamification, and more!
Master event planning: Insights from a renowned professional
Discover how the Europe's largest all-PPC event, ADworld Experience, utilizes Eventee to enhance attendee engagement.
How to Find a Venue for an Event [Ultimate Guide]
Find your dream event space with this extensive go-to guide. I'll walk you through everything you need to know, from the vibe you're after to the practical stuff like location or amenities.
Eventee 2.15: Global Search and Other Exciting News
We are introducing the new version of Eventee with improvements on the mobile apps. Global search, sorting options for speakers and exhibitors, and other things we would love to share with you this month!
17 Creative Corporate Event Ideas + Tips to Maximise Engagement
Explore the benefits of organising a corporate event and get inspired by these creative ideas and tips for maximising engagement at your next event.
Top Open Day Ideas & Activities for University in 2025
University open days don't need to be clever, they just need to be engaging. Discover ways to reach out to potential students by exploring these open day ideas. Get inspired by unique college event ideas and create experiences that are simply unforgettable!
The 7 Best Event Planning Tips From Real Experts [2025]
Successful event planning takes time and effort. But it's not impossible. Explore useful event planning tips to achieve event success and get your event to the next level.
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