Blog de organización de eventos que despierta la inspiración para sus actos

Descubra nuevas ideas para la planificación de eventos y la interacción con el público para garantizar las mejores experiencias de eventos.

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Turn your boring university events from snooze fest to the most productive place to be in town
How to organise a successful university event. Create an engaging and memorable experience for students and everyone involved.
Event management: 13 tips to effectively prevent and handle last minute changes
...and a little known, but super effective crisis management hack you can use with your team 😉
The next generation of hybrid events: Tips for leveling up your streaming
Learn how to make the planning and coordination of hybrid events easier. Explore the ways you can enhance the broadcasting experience with SlidesLive and prepare for the future of hybrid events.
Eventee 2024: resumen de un año
Resumen de los hitos de Eventee, actualizaciones de productos y lo que nos ha deparado el año 2024. Alerta de spoilers: ¡contiene un adelanto del año 2025!
Introducing Eventee 3.0: Engage your audience like never before
Read about the major release of the Eventee app - A whole new engagement screen, event gamification, and more!
Eventee 2.15: Global Search and Other Exciting News
We are introducing the new version of Eventee with improvements on the mobile apps. Global search, sorting options for speakers and exhibitors, and other things we would love to share with you this month!
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