Ă€ propos

Tickets Are OPEN NOW! Grab your tickets.

We are so excited to announce the upcoming Healthy Minds, Stronger Schools conference!

Day 1: April 26th from 6 PM - 9 PM at the Community Family Life & Recreation Center at Lyon Park

Day 2: April 27th 9 AM - 4:45 PM at the Emily K Center

The target audience includes middle & high school Durham Public School (DPS) students, caregivers, educators, and community members. This will be a low-cost opportunity with proceeds going directly back to supporting additional mental health and wellness support across DPS. This is a 2-day conference that is centered around collective healing and wellness through engaging panels, workshops, and a keynote dinner. The theme of the conference is Healing Within: Nurturing Mind, Body, and Soul.


  1. Breaking Stigma
  2. Education and Awareness
  3. Community Engagement
  4. Support and Empowerment

Day 1 will include mingling, dinner, and a keynote speech from Shadeen Francis. This session is titled Catch Feelings: Using Emotions to Strengthen Our Communities from Within. Description: If you have ever felt emotionally stuck, overwhelmed, or exhausted by big feelings, this session is for you! This engaging workshop will explore the transformative power of our emotions to make positive changes in our lives. You will learn how to navigate difficult feelings, how to recognize and prevent burnout, ways to care for yourself in unsupportive settings, and how your personal well-being can be a catalyst for change in your community. Join us for an evening full of information and fun! Attendees will leave equipped with an actionable toolkit for fostering resilience in themselves and inspiring well-being in their communities.

Day 2 will include a panel discussion from youth within DPS and a panel with elected officials such as board of education members and the mayor. In addition to panels, there will be breakout sessions throughout the day such as creating personal mandalas, discussing burnout & recovery, allyship, mindfulness, trauma-informed classroom culture, etc. Attendees will be able to choose their adventure on the app based on things they want to learn more about!


Acerca de este evento

¡Estamos muy contentos de anunciar la próxima conferencia Healthy Minds, Stronger Schools!

DĂ­a 1: 26 de abril de 6 PM - 9 PM en el Centro Comunitario, Lyon Park

DĂ­a 2: 27 de abril de 9 AM - 4:45 PM en el Centro Emily K

La audiencia anticipada incluye estudiantes de escuelas intermedias y secundarias de Durham Public School (DPS), cuidadores, educadores y miembros de la comunidad. Esta será una oportunidad de bajo costo cuyos ingresos se destinarán directamente a apoyar la salud mental adicional y el apoyo al bienestar a través de DPS. Se trata de una conferencia de dos días centrada en la sanación y el bienestar colectivos a través de interesantes paneles, talleres y una cena inaugural. El tema de la conferencia es La sanación interior: Nutrir la mente, el cuerpo y el alma.


1 Romper el estigma

2. EducaciĂłn y sensibilizaciĂłn

3. 3. ParticipaciĂłn de la comunidad

4. Apoyo y capacitaciĂłn

La primera jornada incluirá un tiempo para compartir, la cena y un discurso de apertura a cargo de Shadeen Francis. Esta sesión se titula Catch Feelings: Cómo utilizar las emociones para fortalecer nuestras comunidades desde el interior. Descripción: Si alguna vez te has sentido emocionalmente atascado, abrumado o agotado por los grandes sentimientos, ¡esta sesión es para ti! Este atractivo taller explorará el poder transformador de nuestras emociones para realizar cambios positivos en nuestras vidas. Aprenderás cómo navegar por los sentimientos difíciles, cómo reconocer y prevenir el agotamiento, formas de cuidar de ti mismo en entornos que no te apoyan y cómo su bienestar personal puede ser un catalizador para el cambio en su comunidad. Únase a nosotros en una velada llena de información y diversión. Los asistentes saldrán equipados con un conjunto de herramientas prácticas para fomentar la resiliencia en sí mismos e inspirar el bienestar en sus comunidades.

El segundo día habrá una mesa redonda con jóvenes del DPS y otra con representantes electos, como miembros del Junta Escolar y el alcalde. Además de los paneles, habrá sesiones en grupos pequeños durante todo el día, como la creación de mandalas personales, el diálogo sobre el agotamiento y la recuperación, los aliados, la atención plena, la cultura del aula basada en el trauma, etc. Los asistentes podrán elegir sus sesiones en la página de registro seleccionando los temas sobre los que quieren aprender más.

26. - 27. avril, 2024 | 1309 Halley St, Durham, NC 27707

Healthy Minds, Stronger Schools Conference



Shadeen Francis
LMFT, CST (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist)
Taylor Outler
Taylor Outler
Program and Partnerships Manager Durham Public Schools Foundation
Erika Reese-Wilkins
Erika Reese-Wilkins
Executive Director Durham Public Schools Foundation
Ashley Peters
Ashley Peters
Director of Student & Family Support Services Student U
Shana Bellone
Shana Bellone
Associate Director of Student & Family Support Services Student U
Carla Grant
Founder The Crafting Castle
Kam Phillips
Lead Facilitator & Founder TRUE Change, Inc.
Talia Cotton
Teaching and Learning Coach Durham Public Schools
Dr. Glenda Care
Founder Fragile Families Network
Wa’Quita McCauley
Wa’Quita McCauley
Founder, CEO Writefully HONEST
Anne Sutkowi-Hemstreet
Founder and Executive Director Rainbow Collective for Change
Alix Adrian
Alix Adrian
Co-Facilitator of Transforming Families and Board Member Rainbow Collective for Change
Nirupama Shankar
Nirupama Shankar
Healthcare Program Manager SKY Schools
Raghu Krishnamaneni
Breathwork and Wellness Expert The Art of Living Foundation
Eryn Donnalley
Artist | Author | Inner Change Activist | Contemplative Arts Educator Refuge Studio, LLC
Gabrielle Rivero
Founder and Chief Movement Officer Express & Release Therapeutic Dance
Monica Daye, MS-BCP, CA
Executive Director StandUp-SpeakOut of North Carolina
Dr. Gradesa Lockhart
Dr. Gradesa Lockhart
Director STOP Violence Grant Durham Public Schools
Holly Doggett
Executive Director NAMI NC
Kristen Hopkins-Vincent
Executive Director Dangers Of The Mind Education Fund
Emily Chavez
Emily Chavez
Vice-Chair DPS Board of Education
Nida Allam
Nida Allam
Durham County Commissioner, Chair Durham Board of County Commissioners
Milicent Rogers
Milicent Rogers
Board Member DPS Board of Education
Wendy Jacobs
Wendy Jacobs
Durham County Commissioner Durham Board of County Commissioners
Breyana Williams
Breyana Williams
WHOLE Schools Fellow Durham Public Schools Foundation
Pilar Hurtado
Pilar Hurtado
DPS Student J.D. Clement Early College
Karen Solis-Carranza
Karen Solis-Carranza
Student Hillside High School



6:00 PM

7:00 PM

8:00 PM

9:00 PM


6:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Main Stage

6:00 PM

7:00 PM

8:00 PM

9:00 PM

Opening Remarks & Dinner

6:30 PM - 7:15 PM
Taylor Outler Taylor Outler

Keynote Welcome

7:15 PM - 7:30 PM
Erika Reese-Wilkins Erika Reese-Wilkins

Catch Feelings: Using Emotions to Strengthen Our Communities from Within

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Shadeen Francis Shadeen Francis

Q & A Session

8:30 PM - 8:45 PM
Shadeen Francis
Erika Reese-Wilkins

Informations de contact

Date de l'événement:
26. avril - 27. avril, 2024
Lieu de l'événement:
WHOLE Schools Movement 600 E Umstead St Durham United States 8437315188 [email protected]
Contacter l'organisateur